Treasure not Treasuries

Friday, April 26th, 2024

We are increasing our exposure to commodities

We believe US core CPI will remain above 3% for the whole of 2024 and that equities and bonds are likely to suffer in this environment. Diversification away from these asset classes is a good idea and commodities are the obvious choice. We have a long-only commodities model with 10 constituents which produces better returns and a similar Sharpe ratio to the S&P 500, despite the fact that it went nowhere between 2011 and 2021. (All commodity indices are still below their 2008 high.) We also have a simplified multi-asset model with three commodities – crude oil, gold and copper – capped at a total of 25% of the portfolio. This model beat our standard equity/bond model by an average of 400 bps a year between 1997 and 2007, the last time commodities enjoyed a major bull run. We think we could be about to repeat this part of the cycle and cite the recent uptick in M&A in the sector as evidence.

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New Commodities Model

Friday, March 17th, 2023

Better than equities, provided investors are selective

With equities looking overvalued and bonds still under pressure in the wake of a terrible year, investors are searching for new ways of generating attractive, risk-efficient returns. Commodities are one of the most widely-used alternative asset classes, but they have a reputation for high volatility, large drawdowns and periods of extended under-performance. At the index level, this is fair comment. Many investors are still scarred by their experience of boosting their exposure in the wake of the global financial crisis, only to exit at a lower level sometime in the next ten years. The key point to recognise is that some of the commodity contracts included in the overall index are unlikely to generate consistent returns over time. There are several possible reasons, which we discuss in the note, but the effect is that we have decided to exclude them from our Long Only model, in the same way that many global equity investors routinely avoid exposure to Japanese equities. Our Long Only model has no exposure to Livestock, Softs and most Grain contracts and focuses mainly on Energy, Industrial Metals and Precious Metals. On a standalone basis, it has produced total returns which are slightly better than US equities since inception in July 1997. If we allow the model to take short positions as well, we find that the returns are considerably better, with no loss of risk-efficiency and no significant increase in drawdown. The bottom line is that the right mix of commodities can produce attractive, risk-adjusted returns, provided investors are properly selective.

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Adding REITs and TIPS to the mix

Friday, June 4th, 2021

Multi-asset diversification works, but hasn’t done so recently

Successful diversification using publicly-traded alternative asset classes, like commodities, REITs and TIPS is possible. We can select from a family of systematically-managed portfolios, which allow us to capture the upside of diversification and avoid most of the downside. However, the big takeaway from this process is that multi-asset diversification itself has been largely redundant since the end of the financial crisis, thanks to the actions of the Federal Reserve. Since that time there have been two false dawns, when it looked as though the concept was about to make a comeback and we may be on the verge of another one now. If it turns out to a real dawn, we have the regime management skills to exploit it. If not, we should be able to get out without too much harm.

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Is it Time for Commodities?

Thursday, May 20th, 2021

We have a process. All we need is the upswing.

We know how to incorporate commodities into our asset allocation process. Over the last 25 years as a whole, our process would have generated significant outperformance on an absolute and risk-adjusted basis. This is achieved by systematically managing exposure to a limited number of commodities: oil, gold and copper only, and by actively managing a small number of other assets, spread across equities and fixed income. Passive exposures don’t work as well and too many assets create unnecessary and counter-productive complexity. The problem with including commodities is that US exceptionalism in equities, currencies and fixed income has made this strategy unattractive since 2010. If you think that this regime may be ending, it may be time to take another look at commodities.

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Opportunity in Alternatives

Thursday, June 27th, 2019

Diversification via REITs actually works and is underused

Over the last 25 years, US REITs have provided successful risk-adjusted diversification opportunities when compared with a 50/50 equity bond portfolio. Comparing them with just an equity or fixed income benchmark understates how well they do when compared with a joint benchmark. They perform far better than the other alternatives we look at – hedge funds, commodities and gold. We think the investors underuse the tactical asset allocation opportunity provided by REITs, as opposed to real estate in physical form.

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Time to Worry About Oil

Thursday, April 26th, 2018

Energy ETFs may be worth the risk

Crude oil may be breaking out of its trading since 2015, even if we allow for the weakness of the dollar. It’s time to ask how high it can go, and what this would do your portfolio. Beyond an overweight in the global energy sector and exposure to the right part of the US high yield market, it’s time to think about direct investment in the commodity itself.

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Actions Speak Louder than Words

Wednesday, October 4th, 2017

Investors are positioning for more dollar strength

Across a broad spread of asset classes and strategies, investors have responded to recent dollar strength by putting on a series of trades which suggest they expect it to continue. This doesn’t prove that it will, but the market reaction has been consistent and immediate.

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Ultra-low Volatility

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

But maybe not for much longer

Our global volatility index has just hit a two-year low, but US equities are no longer leading this and are now in a counter-trend, whose strength is disguised by a breakdown in sector correlations. The period of ultra-low volatility is not over yet, but it may not last much longer.

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