New EM Equity Model

Friday, March 15th, 2024

More visibility and better risk-adjusted returns

Our new EM equity model replaces the global country model and is designed to give us greater visibility on this asset class. We show that our normal process outperforms the benchmark in absolute and risk-adjusted terms. The average annual outperformance since inception is 2.9% and this is achieved despite the model’s volatility being lower than the index. It has outperformed the index in 20 out of 28 years and has good persistence of recommendation. The average stay in the top and bottom five (out of 25 countries) is about 18 weeks. India is the top-ranking country at the moment and close to maximum overweight, while China is at the bottom and close to maximum underweight.

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A Label Without Meaning

Friday, July 21st, 2023

EM Equities have too much complexity and not enough return

All EM equity indices comprise a mix of countries which once shared some important economic characteristics, but no longer do. The whole asset class is dominated by China, where the investment outlook is increasingly uncertain. Looking at over 20 different countries with vastly different growth profiles and levels of income no longer makes sense. Investors who wish to reduce the complexity of their portfolios should think about swapping their EM equity allocation for one to India on its own. It has outperformed its benchmark by a substantial margin over the last 5,10, and 20 years and will probably continue to do so given its superior demographic profile and productivity outlook.

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